When it comes to fashion, I don’t believe in spending all your money on every piece of apparel you can. In fact, my basics are typically very moderately priced. And for someone who loves clothes as much as I do, that’s crucial! However, handbags and shoes are a different story in Fashion Jackson’s book. I invest in high-quality, long-lasting designer handbags because they’re more than worth it. And when I’m in the market for a new, gorgeous designer bag, Nordstrom is always my first stop. My fail-safe department store always has a wide variety of handbags to choose from; from over the shoulder to crossbody, Nordstrom offers the type of designer handbags worth investing in.
The reasons I gladly spend money on designer handbags go hand-in-hand. The high-quality of the bags assure they’re going to last much longer than your standard handbag. And by “longer,” I’m talking years longer. Therefore, I always bee-line to Nordstrom when it’s time to shop for a new one. Like this new Givenchy satchel. I just got it and am already so in love with it. We’re going to have a lot of adventures together, and I have Nordstrom to thank for introducing us.
So, this holiday season, if a new designer handbag is on your list, Nordstrom is sure to be where you’ll find it.
Sweater: Nordstrom | Jeans: Topshop | Heels: Christian Louboutin (similar) | Handbag Givenchy | Sunglasses: Celine (similar) | Watch: Larsson & Jennings (similar)
A special thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Photos: Beckley
Casual and Fall perfection of an outfit. I like your sweater and shoes very much!
Such a gorgeous fall outfit and I’m so in love with your bag!
xx, Jeany from http://vogueetvoyage.com
I totally agree that a good handbag can last for a long time! Great post as always.
I love designer bags also. Designer bags and jewelry are worth spending because they spruce up any outfit.
So chic! I love a good designer handbag
I am sooo tempted to buy this bag in cognac because you style it so well, Amy!
I just bought that bag as well and definitely agree. Investing in a bag is worth it when you know you’ll carry it for years to come!
xo Jenna