I’ve never kept it a secret that I fully support and believe in investing in designer handbags. They last forever, can become a family heirloom you pass down, and have incredible resale value. Lately, I’ve been wanting to find the perfect designer white leather handbag, and that’s exactly when Cettire.com helped end my search with the Fendi Peekaboo ISeeuU East-West bag!
A little about Cettire—it’s a luxury fashion online store that carries over 500 designers from Prada and Gucci to Saint Laurent and Fendi. Their customer service is also pretty impressive—Cettire’s delivery time is 3-7 business days, which is pretty incredible seeing as though they ship from all over the world. Cettire ships within Australia as well as to the U.S., Canada, EU countries as well as many others which can be found here!
Now, to the bag. In terms of the best designer handbags to invest in 2021, you can’t go wrong with a Fendi Peekaboo. There are tons of Fendi Peekaboo sizes, shapes, and colors, so you can find the designer handbag that best suits your style. I was instantly drawn to the ISeeuU East-West bag. The white Italian leather is stunning, and it’s 11” wide and 7” high body makes it the perfect size Fendi Peekaboo bag for me! I ordered it from Cettire and had it in hand 5 days later!
If you follow me closely, you know I’ve been a Fendi handbag lover for a long time—this is nothing new. I also have this one, which is a classic. I’m so excited to welcome this ISeeuU East-West bag to the family and to stalk Cettire for whatever comes next!
Fendi Handbags
Fendi Handbags
A special thank you to Cettire for sponsoring this post. All thoughts an opinions are my own.
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